Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sayang Sarawak

Watching the sunset from khatulistiwa Restaurant

We can enjoy having our food at this restaurant while watching people waiting for the arrival of Pak Penambang and his sampan from here :)

Siapa itu???? cuba tekaaaaaaa :)

Preparing for the upcoming regatta

We can also enjoy the paronamic view of the nite time at the Waterfront :)

Sayang Sarawak...
Sayang Sarawak...
Sungainya Sempit...
Nakhoda Kapal bersusahlah hati...

This is my mom's favourite song and I remember her singing in a very melodious voice. A song reached my little elf ears, gently, soothing my young heart.

Im not going to tell you guys more about my mom in this entry although I know someone is expecting me to put her picture..HAHA :~P

Ok..back to the topic :)
No matter how narrow is the river but it would still be a significant channel to connect people from both sides and most importantly it's the channel to connect us with our creator :)

Across the river you can get a spectacular view of the Malay Kampungs, Fort Margherita, the Astana ~ once the home of the white rajah and now the governor's residence and the new Dewan Undangan Negeri of Sarawak. Riding the sampan along the Sarawak River would probably an unforgettable experience to those who admire a scene of great natural beauty and to those who haven't , I hope it will inspire you to come and visit Kuching, the capital state of Sarawak to explore the rich cultural heritage, experience our community's unique lifestye and I can assure you the pristine beauty of this place you'll never forget.

Here I have some pictures to share which I took while 'lepak' at Khatulistiwa , a restaurant nearto the riverbank , my favourite spot to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sarawak River :)


  1. Ya Rabbi...... happening dah blog kitak Baby. Kamek belum pernah makan di restoren ya.

  2. went to this restaurant before also!
    It's a fascinating trip to Kuching~
    love it and miss it~

  3. Thanks Anderson for your wonderful comment :)

  4. Hehe, bai jgn jeles dah ada org lain sitok padu padahal baru semalam blog tok wujud :P

    You should get the credit as well, without your help this blog wont exist today ;) thank you ...muahhhss

  5. Jealous kamek blog kitak mula dpt sambutan. Cubalah promote di Board Swak nun. Mauk dak Adziah & peminat setia Hafiz join sekaki masuk topic Hafiz ya. Ya Rabbi sampei sitok nak alah2 off-topic memanjang.

    Lalu best jadi blog kitak. Nang patut blog kitak promote psl Swak utk menggalakkan pelancongan. Best gik mun kitak ungkah tempat2 pelancongan yg patut dilawat & restaurant best2 di Swak.

  6. Baby, rami overseas guests view blog kitak. Sebab psl Mulu. Kamek mdh jak. Kelak kitak delete post kamek. Suka2 nak mdh dgn kitak. Alrite.

  7. Oh kesian sidak mungkin interested nak tahu pasal mulu tapi belum keluar satu pun cerita pasal mulu yg boleh dikongsi dgn sidaknya..oh tedah.

    Infact kamek masih belum ada masa lagik nak start tulis pasal mulu tapi insyaAllah kamek cuba tulis mana2 yg berkaitan dalam waktu terdekat.

    Tunggu hujung bulan kelak kamek cuba nak carik gambar kamek masa kamek pergi trip ke Mulu. Harap2 album ya sik ilang lagik & kamek dapat jumpa.

  8. Maksud kamek hujung bulan tok kamek nak balit Miri & cuba carik album kamek ya.

  9. Benar juak. Ujung bulan kan dah nak Gawai Dyk. Kan weekend. So panjang cuti. Mun gik psl Mulu sidak click jak pic Gunung Mulu ya & boleh google. Kamek sikda masa juak update blog kamek. In fact bnyk collections ttp malas.
