Sunday, June 14, 2009


Dear Visitors,

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for not being able to update my blog for quite a long time or keep my promise to tell you more about my place or anything about mulu. Infact i was quite busy lately and just recover myself from the fever & flu but don't worry it has nothing to do with swine flu though :)

Secondly, I'd like to make a special announcement that I'm in the midst of transferring the data from this site to my another blog that uses my own domain name. The reason for this is that i want to take serious in my writings , conveying my ideas and sharing the knowledge with other people about my place. I know there are many people around the globe do search the engine looking the info about Mulu or Sarawak. When I first created ulumulu blog never in my slightest mind that it would attract foreigners. Initially I had different intention but when I noticed many visitors from different countries do come and visit my blog, It gives me some kind of vibe i hardly describe here and believe me that...YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION :)

Why using my own domain name??
I have many reasons for this matter and as you all know that a domain name is an easily recognisable way to identify yourself, your family or your business on the net. It's a unique identity that people will remember amongst the millions of others on the internet.

Additionally, I find it difficult in running a hosted blog like sosblog or blogspot, we have to follow their restrictions , we have limited access and limited capacity in storing the pictures. Simply put, I've got more options available when I establish my own domain and host my blog there :)

Besides that, Although I love writing but frankly speaking im not really good in IT. With the new blog I have team members whom I can rely on and they will help me in handling the technical matters :)

Infact with this blogspot i depend so much on my friend Baiduri who have created this blog for me but i know she's a busy person and I dont want to take so much of her time.

At this moment I am still using blogspot and I might put a link to my new blog from here. Do come and visit my new blog (hey im in the same class as our former Prime Minister ;)the infamous Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad as he's using )

I might be going to Tatau and visit Iban long house together with my family members who will be coming all the way from Australia at the end of June. With god permits I hope I have a story to tell about that exciting journey in my blog later on. Just pray that everything goes perfectly as our initial plan ya? :)

Oh more thing before I forgot, you can leave me a message if you're interested to host your own blog and use your own domain name. I can recommend you to the person-in-charged and there are many great packages offered you can choose :)

Till then ..see ya!!! :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here in Sarawak we'll gonna have 2 days public holiday on 1st & 2nd June every year due to Gawai Celebration. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Dayak Community either you're an iban or a bidayuh "Happy Gawai ...Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai " :)

I just arrived Miri by plane yesterday evening and at night my friends picked me and we went to JJ's house to celebrate pre-Gawai party cum birthday celebration of his mother, a wife of the late Datuk Edward Jeli (our former cabinet minister).

It was really a nice party, there were old folks singing on the karaoke, the old Iban women danced pocho-pocho, the guys had a good time playing card, and I just mingled around with my friends. Im not sure whether earlier on, they had the 'Miring' ceremony or not because we came a bit late. Tuak was served but I didn't take it and according to the matsalleh whom i talked with, the taste was nice. The ambience has made us feel as if we were at the long house although it's a huge & beautiful bungalow.

If you're not sure what gawai is, I would suggest you to check with Mr. Wiki for more details :)


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My dad's masterpiece

Should I call it a masterpiece???

Sorry guys, the outcome of this vc may not be that good to your standard, but just because my father was the one who took it, I thought he has done it perfectly...hehe

As I go through trial and error in the process of learning on the operation of this blog, I found my dad's masterpiece inside my netbook and I thought I should use one of the VCs that he took while having a holiday in UK as my experiment . This vc was taken sometimes in 2007 at Covent Garden with a few ladies act as the mannequins at one of the shops. Hope you'll enjoy watching it :)

p/s can you guys see my dad in a white jacket from the reflection of the mirror?? :~P

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Finally our superboy from Sarawak has won AF7 and he's the very 1st sarawakian to win this singing competition. He has made us, the rest of sarawakians feel proud of his achievement. All this while we felt that we were being neglected by people from west Malaysia. With the 'kenegerian' (state segregration) sentiment we thought it would be a tough journey for someone from my place to become a winner in a national level competition.

It was largely due to the fact that he's so talented, he soon swept the nation and mesmerized millions of people with his great voice. His delivery of emotions when he sang 'I believe I can fly' was more than enough to leave people wanting more. Week by week he demonstrated his talent flawlessly. I was told big celebrities like Anita Sarawak, Vanida Imran, Catheriona Ross and many others recognized his talent and I was surprised that even Principal Tiara Jacquelina as well as her hubby, Datuk Seri Afendi Nawawi voted for Hafiz in that competition ~ thank you Datuk & Datin :)

Isn't it true that music can bring us together??? To west malaysians who have voted for Hafiz, who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the love of the music A BIG THANK YOU from me :)

I hope you enjoy seeing those pictures which i took when we watched the final concert on a big screen placed by Astro at Sukma. I've noticed there were many hafiz's fans wearing his tshirt including myself...hehe, just to show our support for Hafiz and the crowd was of course jump for joy the moment his name was announced as the winner...oh what a great feeling and a great moment!!!!Once again, CONGRATS HAFIZ :)

I had a great time that night except for one incident , someone out of nowhere turned wild and crazy and suddenly he pulled off the tree trunk and that really pissed me off!!!

For those who want to know more about hafiz, feel free to visit his fan club's website --->
and for those who do not know what AF is all about you may visit this website -->,_Season_7

Monday, May 18, 2009


Dear visitors,

I've been longing for this moment to start this project, to tell you guys more about Sarawak but due to my hectic schedule i had to postpone it. Infact I have many things to tell and many pictures to share :) I am now endeavoring to promote nature tourism in my place. There are numerous national parks and nature reserves have been and are being established where tourists and nature lovers will have an opportunity to see nature in its pristine glory :)

Infact Sarawak has some of the finest rainforests in the world and is home to innumerable flora and fauna. Im pretty much sure those who do not have the opportunity to live in the forest would be eager to visit sarawak , see and appreciate the animals and beautiful plants. Sarawak has nine national parks and three wildlife sanctuaries with a total area of 288,719 hectares. In additional, at least 8 more national parks and 3 wildlife sanctuaries are being considered. These, including several extensions to existing parks and santuaries, would have an area of 688, 619 hectares. When fully established, these protected area would represent about 7.6 per cent of the existing natural forest estate (data from reliable sources :)

The national parks showcase some of Sarawak's best forests and landscapes. They are accessible to anyone who wishes to explore the wealth and diversity of flora and fauna, or to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of the rainforest. Basically there's about 70% of Sarawak is still under natural, and very varied, forest cover.

The range of landscape and geological features in Sarawak gives rise to at least 10 major types of forest of different structures and species composition.

This marriage of diverse forest types has created home for more than 8,000 species of plants and more than 20,000 species of animals, including a myriad of those that chatter, sing and screech. In the face of the world's diminishing rainforests, the protection and survival of this natural treasure has never been more important.

Here, in Sarawak, preservation of a full range of forest habitats is a fundamental part of state government policy. These forests are totally protected in areas designated as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

Now It's getting late and I start to feel very sleepy cos tomorrow i need to get up early, send my niece to school and then I have to go to work. I hope you'll enjoy reading & watching those pictures and please do come again as I have many pictures to share with you guys..Till then, take care :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Budak-budak pun seronok sakan tak sabar nak tengok Hafiz buat persembahan :)

Wahh...malam ini konsert final AF & kita orang dah bersedia nak tengok hafiz membuat persembahan untuk konsertnya yang terakhir ...semalam saya tak tido dibuatnya selain sibuk dgn blog ini maklumlah baru semalam blog ni wujud punyalah excited sampai tak ingat waktu berlalu begitu cepat. Saya jugak ambik kesempatan hantar AFUNDI10 HAFIZ ke 32999 takut kalau last minute hantar afundi line pulak jadi conjested (betul ke spelling ni???) lantak lah. yek..hehe

Auntie saya dah awal berkempen suruh saya mengundi Hafiz kurang2 dalam RM50 bila saya kata buang kosong kat belakang jadi RM5 boleh tak??? hehe last2 dia buat deal dgn kita orang sekiranya Hafiz menang dia nak refund RM50 tu...Yahooooo!!!!!

Boss pulak tiba2 kasi duit syilling punya lah byk dari tabungan dia kot adalah sekitar RM25 buat saya beli reload card kelakar betul..haha

Bukan itu aje kawan saya Julie pulak sempat lagi promote T-shirt Hafiz...untuk final concert ni kita orang bercadang nak tengok kat luar aje, biasanya kita orang menonton kat rumah sambil lepak2 makan2 tapi malam ni nak merasa kelainan dan kita orang akan guna t-shirt tu sebagai tanda sokongan terhadap Hafiz dan membawa semangat Hafiz :)

Moga-moga Hafiz tampil sebagai anak jati Sarawak yang pertama menjadi Juara Akademi Fantasia...Amin! Hafiz semememangnya punya bakat besar tak tidak kita nafikan, betul tak? Ok lah tak boleh nak menyembang lama2 dah nak ready tengok konsert AF ni.. nak berkemas, pergi makan kat luar dan menonton konsert Hafiz.

Sayang Sarawak

Watching the sunset from khatulistiwa Restaurant

We can enjoy having our food at this restaurant while watching people waiting for the arrival of Pak Penambang and his sampan from here :)

Siapa itu???? cuba tekaaaaaaa :)

Preparing for the upcoming regatta

We can also enjoy the paronamic view of the nite time at the Waterfront :)

Sayang Sarawak...
Sayang Sarawak...
Sungainya Sempit...
Nakhoda Kapal bersusahlah hati...

This is my mom's favourite song and I remember her singing in a very melodious voice. A song reached my little elf ears, gently, soothing my young heart.

Im not going to tell you guys more about my mom in this entry although I know someone is expecting me to put her picture..HAHA :~P

Ok..back to the topic :)
No matter how narrow is the river but it would still be a significant channel to connect people from both sides and most importantly it's the channel to connect us with our creator :)

Across the river you can get a spectacular view of the Malay Kampungs, Fort Margherita, the Astana ~ once the home of the white rajah and now the governor's residence and the new Dewan Undangan Negeri of Sarawak. Riding the sampan along the Sarawak River would probably an unforgettable experience to those who admire a scene of great natural beauty and to those who haven't , I hope it will inspire you to come and visit Kuching, the capital state of Sarawak to explore the rich cultural heritage, experience our community's unique lifestye and I can assure you the pristine beauty of this place you'll never forget.

Here I have some pictures to share which I took while 'lepak' at Khatulistiwa , a restaurant nearto the riverbank , my favourite spot to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sarawak River :)